If you're interested in becoming a paid writer for Dystopia Rising: Oklahoma, please read through the information below and then submit a sample module writing piece to dystopiarising.oklahoma@gmail.com.

The sample module should include how many and what sort of NPCs you need (non-player characters, or your actors), and should also include a summary of the module. If you wish to see a sample module before writing your own sample, please contact the same email.

Writers are expected to make deadlines. You can be the best writer in the world and if you don't make deadline, then we can't use your materials. Writers who are late with their materials will not be re-hired in the future.

Writers should focus on the "feel" of Verdigrift Gardens. If you're interested in writing for Dystopia Rising: Oklahoma, please take a look at our setting material on this website. We focus heavily on the SaveWay Market, along with conflict with the Pure Blood Casinos.  

Writers should consider the season when writing modules. Because Dystopia Rising: Oklahoma is located in an area that can become very cold and windy in the winter, we ask for submissions that fit the season they're being written for. Please consider that when it's hot in the summer, players want to be outside or in the water. When it's winter, players prefer internal mods and more upbeat modules. When it's spring, focus on getting outside after winter and going on adventure-type modules. When it's autumn, focus on combat and heavy torture themes.

Writers should focus on horror at Dystopia Rising: Oklahoma. Writing horror-inspired modules is key at Dystopia Rising: Oklahoma. If you need help with the horror genre, take a look at a few horror movies and think of how it would be best to incorporate it into a modules.

Writers can submit several-month arcs. If you're interested in created an arc that spans over several months, then please submit the general outline of your idea to our email address. While single-shot modules are acceptable, writers that have ideas of groups, modules, and scenarios that go across several months have a ready stock of inspiriation for future work. 

Writers CANNOT submit multiple-chapter story arcs without telling us that this is occurring and talking with other local directors. If you wish to create a cross-branch story, you MUST inform us ahead of time before writing. Any failure to do so will mean that you will not be contracted again.

Writers should write modules so that anyone can run them. Each module should be written in such a fashion that an ops marshal or rules marshal can look at the module and then be able to run it during game, assigning NPC roles, setting up the module site, etc.

We are always looking for new writers, so don't hesitate to contact dystopiarising.oklahoma@gmail.com if interested.